Due to constant the disease outbreaks affecting both wildlife, humans and their livestock, hcp partners with the local government agencies to initiate a long-term ‘one health approach’ that aims to understand zoonotic disease cycles and manage potential outbreaks.

Health is multisectoral and therefore, to effectively detect, respond to, and avert outbreaks of zoonotic diseases, we extended our partnerships to include joint responses to health threats within the hirola rangeland.
Through this, we have responded to several cases of disease outbreaks; the most recent being an emergency response to an unknown disease outbreak that took a toll on the giraffe population (Peste des petit) ,ruminants in livestock and an operation with the help of Houston zoo, PTES and local partners to treat and vaccinate livestock.
We are also in discussion with the Kenya Wildlife Service to establish a permanent vet center in the hirola’s range as currently, we get vet services from Meru County which is over 300 KM away.